
Do You Need Internet Connection For Wireless Security Cameras

Connecting your Wireless IP cameras to a WiFi router can be troublesome depending on your level of experience and expertise. Not everyone is well versed in networking terms and technologies. Let alone what to do when they see several series of numbers separated past periods. Permit's dive right in and get this accomplished.

Note: Attempting to bring together a WiFi camera to a wireless network can be difficult if you have no It feel. We advise purchasing our networking help service, or hiring an IT professional person if yous practise not understand computer networks.

This guide is applicative to security cameras past CCTV Camera World that characteristic WiFi Capability. Such cameras are commonly referred to every bit WiFi security cameras or Wireless IP cameras. Our WiFi cameras characteristic a born client radio that can be used to attach the camera to any 2.4Ghz 802.eleven b/chiliad/n WiFi network. You tin use a strong router or Access Point to provide WiFi connectivity to the cameras and and then use a wired NVR to record the cameras over the LAN.

Alternative you lot can also use our WiFi NVR for signal transmission distances up to 200ft to create a standalone wireless security photographic camera system that doesn't require whatever networking noesis. Our wireless security cameras feature plug and play connectivity to detect and connect to our WiFi NVR without any configuration.

Step one: Decide the WiFi strength of your wireless network

The first and extremely important step when considering a security camera organisation is agreement the limitations of wireless equipment. Yous tin can buy expensive wireless equipment and yet have poor signal due to interference or thick walls. These issues tin atomic number 82 to an unreliable security arrangement that drops cameras, or appears to skip video. The video below outlines how to utilize an iPhone or Android to decide the wireless strength in areas around your home or business. It is relevant to examination the connection force at every location you intend to mount a wireless security camera at. It is recommended to not make any compromises when information technology comes to wireless because it can exist troublesome to troubleshoot.

Step ii: Power and Configure the Wireless Security Camera for your Network

Annotation that our WiFi security cameras are not capable of PoE meaning they require a ability supply, and the default wired IP address of our IP cameras and NVRs is unless otherwise specified. You lot may have to alter the configuration of your network to view the photographic camera's web service, our employ the IP Config Tool to locate and modify its IP address. Data on using the connecting to an IP security camera and using the ConfigTool to discover or modify can be constitute in another commodity located here.

Connect the camera to your network using an Ethernet cablevision, and plug in the 12V DC adapter. Permit the camera a minute or so to power on.

Step 3: Access the IP Camera'due south Web Interface

Using Cyberspace Explorer 11 go to the camera's IP address. If you lot oasis't already done and so, follow this guide on enabling ActiveX to view your camera's spider web service. Make sure to download and install the plug-in, so log in using the username and countersign. Then navigate to [Setup > Network > TCP/IP]. Note that you cannot connect a camera to WiFi by using the NVR spider web interface you must exist inside of the camera. You lot can verify yous are in the correct web interface past checking the picture on the top left making sure that it says IP Photographic camera and non Web Service. Below is an case of both.

The correct web service for IP camera configuration

Step four: Configuring the WiFi Address

Select the drop-down box that states WIRE(DEFAULT) and select wireless. Click the button side by side to the drop-downwardly box that says DEFAULT. Then select the Radio Button marked STATIC. At present you tin alter the accost of the camera. Make sure the accost is not the aforementioned every bit some other device on your network, the subnet mask matches the rest of your network, and the default gateway is correct. The WiFi accost cannot be the aforementioned equally the wired accost, make sure to set it to something other than your wired address such as 192.168.i.109 in our example. When you're finished hit salve. The device should refresh. Yous may have to log in over again.

Step v: Connect to Your Wireless Router

Navigate to [Setup > Network > WiFi] and check the box labeled ENABLE. Click on SEARCH SSID to discover the available networks. (If your network doesn't circulate an SSID click ADD SSID instead and listing the SSID) Double-click the name of your network and enter your credentials. The device tin take several minutes to connect to the network depending on a number of factors.

To verify your camera is properly connected, disconnect the ability and network cables from the photographic camera. Expect 10 seconds and reconnect the power but. Give the camera about 2 minutes to boot and connect to the wireless network that you just configured. And so attempt to connect to the photographic camera using your spider web browser using the wireless IP address you configured ( mentioned above).

If you lot are able to run into the login page for the camera then you are set up to mountain your camera.

If you would like to view this procedure in video grade, please sentinel the video below.

WiFi Connectedness Troubleshooting Steps

It does take time for a WiFi device to auto connect to a wireless network. Keep that in mind and exist patient. Also consider the post-obit troubleshooting steps if your wireless security photographic camera does not connect.

  • Power the camera off for 10 seconds by disconnecting power then plug it dorsum in (wait upwards to 5 minutes for information technology to connect)
  • Try connecting a network cable to the device, and so disconnect it
  • Make sure your WiFi settings are correct. Ostend WiFi Cardinal and IP address are correct
  • Reconnect the camera to a wired network, and DEFAULT the settings from the web interface of the camera. And so Reconfigure.
  • Make sure there is non an IP disharmonize with another device at that accost
  • Attempt using a different WiFi countersign on your wireless router or admission point that contains only alphanumeric characters and no special symbols.
  • Change the encryption blazon* for your WiFi router or access point. Non all routers are created as. Some junior devices have a difficult fourth dimension treatment WPA and WPA2. You may need to lower the encryption to WEP or buy a new router. We recommend the Asus RT N66U used in this commodity.

Matt Rossi is a Technical Support Managing director at CCTV Camera World, a leading CCTV Camera distributor located in Buffalo, NY. He is a technical support expert for everything video surveillance related.

Connect with Matt via: Facebook


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