3d Figures


Whenever you are discussing stages or phases, whether in a project or for school, things can get a little bit tedious especially if you don't know how to maximize your slides and get the attention of your audience. What you can do is to use visuals in exchange for long lines of text or multiple …


There are many themes and effects available for PowerPoint presentations. Therefore, you need to choose something that best represents your topic, branding, purpose, and even your personality. Also, your theme should be something that attracts the attention of your audience and keeps them interested in your content. There should be a delicate balance of aesthetics …

3D printers are no longer a futuristic concept as you can now print 3D models using 3D printers like the Cubify Cube 3D Printer. However, you might be interested in creating custom shapes for printing content, instead of using the default printing models. This is where Tinkercad can be quite helpful. Tinkercad is a CAD …

3D Pyramid using Shapes and 3D Effects

In less than 1 minute you can create a simple 3D Pyramid design using PowerPoint shapes. This tutorial will guide you on how to make a 3D Pyramid illustration using PowerPoint shapes and styles. Step 1 – Add the 2D triangle First of all we start adding a simple 2D triangle shape into the slide. …

If you need to prepare presentations on social media or discussion using PowerPoint then callouts and bubbles will play an important role. By using callouts you can quote a message easily and make a sense of discussion. This is perfect for some presentations where you need to cite authors or add bibliographic references. Here we …

Sometimes using cliparts in PowerPoint presentations can be helpful to make effective presentations and captivate your audience. You can use business cliparts and silhouettes instead of real pictures and this will benefit your presentation and avoid displaying real faces. Moreover, silhouettes are more universal and you can also edit them easily to represent a desired …

When creating PowerPoint presentations stick men and other figures make an important role to get the audience attention and highlight important concepts. You can support your PowerPoint presentations with original 2D & 3D figures to make presentations and share the message while making effective presentations. Here we will show you how to download either premium …

Often we need to decorate our PowerPoint presentations with animated GIF and other animated images to represent different situations, gestures as well as scenarios. Fortunately we can do that by using animated GIF and other animated cliparts. Even if PowerPoint comes with a nice gallery where you can download free moving pictures for PowerPoint presentations, …

If you are dealing with 3D graphics in your PowerPoint presentation then you it is good to know that PowerPoint lets you edit the SmartArt Graphics in 2D mode (only for editing purposes) which makes easier to edit the text and shape properties inside the SmartArt Graphic. This can be very handy if you need …

If you need to make awesome presentations combining 3D elements like boxes, 3D figures or even more complex 3D PowerPoint templates, then the resources available on PresenterMedia can be very helpful for any serious presentation. PresenterMedia.com is a subscription-based service that offers high-quality 3D PowerPoint templates, videos and 3D cliparts to use in your presentations. From …